Bumi Journey is a renowned travel venture affiliated with CarbonEthics, an organization committed to restoring climate equilibrium through community-based coastal and marine ecosystems. Our primary objective is to inspire both individuals and institutions to reassess their approach to travel, fostering an understanding of their profound connection with nature. By offering sustainable and regenerative alternatives, we aim to educate, guide, and support our travelers.
At Bumi Journey, we firmly believe in preserving the delicate balance of coastal environments and promoting climate-friendly travel. Our commitment to regenerative travel includes encouraging travelers to ask questions and learn about the environment and culture they are immersed in. We actively work towards minimizing single-use plastic and advocate for regenerative tourism practices, such as mangrove planting or coral rehabilitation.
Our mission extends beyond the realms of environmental impact. We are deeply dedicated to empowering local communities, especially youth and women, who play vital roles as facilitators, cooks, and homestay providers within our trip operations.
Apart from our signature mangrove and coral planting trips, Bumi Journey also provides a diverse range of thematic tours throughout Indonesia, including nature, heritage, and wellness tours. As an Indonesian-owned and operated social enterprise, we attract forward-thinking institutions and individuals who share a common goal of making a genuine impact while exploring the world consciously.