The SDG Action Manager is structured as a series of distinct modules consisting of approximately 25 questions, each tailored to the company based on size, sector, and geographic market. Each module features a series of questions to offer concrete actions for your company to improve your impact. Please answer each question to the best of your ability, engaging the relevant members of your team, if you don’t have an answer. Questions will include support texts explaining the question, defining terms, and providing additional resources for your reference.
When you’ve completed a module, review your performance to identify overall strengths and areas of improvement. Don’t focus on perfection – the questions are designed to be thorough and aspirational, and not all questions will be a perfect fit for your business. Use your performance report and specific questions to identify specific practices to implement and areas to improve. Finally, set goals to track progress and access the resources with each question by clicking on your performance to help guide your improvements.
You will start with a baseline module rooted in the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals that covers cross-cutting practices on human rights, labor, environmental management, and good governance.
Once you’ve completed the baseline module, your dashboard will include a list of suggested SDGs that research from the World Benchmarking Alliance indicates are the most relevant for your industry. While it is recommended you start with, and focus on, suggested SDGs, you may complete any SDG that you are interested in, once you have finished the baseline. We want you to explore the modules in a way that fits your company’s needs.
It is not recommended that you try to complete all modules in the SDG Action Manager. SDGs vary in relevance to your business. The purpose is to focus on the most relevant areas and to identify concrete actions your business can take to improve.
There are 16 SDG-specific modules that represent Sustainable Development Goals 1 through 16. Because of its transversal nature, SDG 17 actions relevant to businesses are embedded throughout the SDG Action Manager in the baseline and SDG-specific modules.
The SDG Action Manager is a living solution. Following launch in 2020, features will continue to be revised and added, along with updates to content and methodology, as needed.